11:31:00 PM |
Incomprehensible is Impossible |

Let me start with a question, the likes of which has been explicitly asked by almost every teacher in biology: “What can we not live without?” It is something that when we are deprived of even in a transient passing of time (let’s say, in a few minutes or so), we pass out. It is something we cannot voluntarily bereave ourselves with; we can only try for so long, and find ourselves imbibing its omnipresence. We yearn for it every second of our routine lives. We are subconsciously in committal to its every command; we are there when it is there. It is the limit of our flights, the final frontier of a man slowly pulled by the carriage of lifelessness, the penultimate though ignored desire of every corporeal being; but we do not stop to notice it anymore.
I laud whoever has an answer towards that corollary question. Indubitably, not everyone (speculatively) got the right answer. I’m pretty sure, and I can confidently grip that unempirical conclusion, that some (assuming many do read my soporific blog) answered water. Well, it is partly correct. Water is essential to our survival, and we, as corporeal beings, contain in us a substantial percentage of water. No doubt water is a life-giving element. It recuperates our gluttonous thirst and maintains a teetering homeostasis. But in all actuality, the answer to that question is air. What else when we are deprived of even for a few minutes will make us pass out? What else can we volitionally not intake? What else do we imbibe that is everywhere? It is the last object (if it may qualify as an object) that a dying person utilizes to whisper his/her bequeathing words. We ignore it because we do not see it; and whatever is not visible to our sensate eyes, we do not consider essential. Whatever is essential is and will always be invisible to our eyes. The air is no exemption to the essentialities of which we depend so much to.
Now, how is this relatable to the title upon which I have preveniently placed atop this entry? Assuming that my hunches are correct, people aren’t able to decipher and connect the dots between my title and the essence of my entries; it’s not you. I do not connect my titles from any of my write-ups; I do not work that way. I have my own unconventional way. The titles of my blog entries may either be of the two: the first thing that comes to my mind after opening the all-hailed, ever-glorified and aggrandized Microsoft word (you heard it right, I’m no longer using notepad, as it is erratic when I post it), or the last thing that comes to my mind right after I press the ending period of every nonsensical, and totally unconnected closing paragraph of my entries. It is not whatsoever connected in any way conspicuous to the essence of any of my entries. But let this time be an exemption, and this entry somehow traditional.
Humans as we are, and shallow as we can be, we do not understand and comprehend everything that surrounds us and stimulates our senses. Whatever we cannot comprehend we subsequently label as impossible. We have categories of seemingly everything, and whatever that strikes our senses that we cannot categorize, we inherently believe as an impossibility.
Nothing is impossible! All is possible; it’s just that not all possibilities are probable. Oscar Wilde once said that man cannot readily believe the improbable. We are a species of apparent desire to be sure of everything. We cannot readily believe on things we are not yet sure of really being what it is. We do not want to live on the overtures of probability. We always want to be safe on the solid and stable grounds of surety.
I find myself tonight really quite pallid. The imaginative juices seems not to flow nonchalantly; I have to force and squeeze these juices out so I may at least place here something that outwardly looks like a blog entry, but in all actuality this is a disguise. I am hiding beneath all this a feeling of indifference. I cannot spontaneously write when the object of my whimsical and capricious wishes is not around; even behind the pixelized screen that renders me hypnotized by its alluring though glaring light. I want to end this entry with a bland farewell wave. For formalities sake, let me add to it a creepy wink. Just remember that what is essential is invisible to our eyes. Breathe in! Breathe out! Air is omnipresent; therefore we should not ignore it. So is love. So is hope. So are wishes and dreams and imaginations. Believe in dreams coming true. I am in one. =]
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