10:58:00 PM |
Happy Birthday |

I really don’t have anything in mind tonight, so I’ll just be dedicating this entry to one of my beloved friends who in 2 hours time will be celebrating her 20th birthday. What better to say as a dedication than to simply put it in conventional greetings; Happy birthday Marji! That’s not her name actually, not even her accustomed nickname. It is something I call her for the sole purpose (before) of irritating her. I like to inflate her temper bubble, it is something I am interested in doing most of the time when we are together.
And if you may ask what type of friend whose sole hobby is irritating his friends is, then you’d be in for a blatant answer. Only true friends, or so I believe and will continue to believe, are able to stick it up to their friends what they think, what they feel, and what they want to say without compromising any bond there is. Our circle of friends was deemed to be dysfunctional by many others, and rightly so. We are aware of our dysfunctionalities, and so we function. We do not conceal the fact that we have issues, and we, more often than not, disagree on things. And yet, we remained intact. With minor bruises and scar tissues here and there, we stuck with each other through thick and thicker.
Tomorrow’s birthday celebrant needs no deep and classic shenanigans as an introduction. Everybody knows her, or that’s what I want to believe (and I’m pertaining to the little psychology world of USC). She’s a genuine person, one you find in rarity. And when you do find one, you know it’s already for keeps. She’s pretty much one of the most sarcastic person you’ll meet who when you reflect sarcasm against, would squall in empty vengeance. The first time I saw her, I knew she got this seemingly endless wall that protects her from outside interference. She doesn’t want to be touched; she’s too sensitive to be even grazed with alien infestations. Her spastic mood keeps you on your toes, makes you guess every now and then. But amidst her being moody, she’s the most blatantly obvious person I know. She’s too ostentatious in her expressions that missing it would virtually make you a blind man.
She keeps reiterating her being corpulent, which is not the case, as was encouragingly repeated to her. That being stated, I think she just wants to hear it over and over again that she is not fat. Marji, you are not fat! Voluptuous is the best adjective I can think of which would somehow fit your perspective and my perspective. But I candidly believe that you are in no way close to how you see yourself. And even though your smile is blandly the same each and every time (I’m exaggerating, but more often than not, it is the same smile), you know it looks good on you. Your smile that can light up a dark room full of doldrum, deflects the tiniest reflection of lugubriousness. Keep smiling!
You’re getting old, and you’re no longer in your teens. But believe me for I have been in that situation for 3 years counting, youth does not deteriorate with age, and if anything you can opt to stay youthful without compromising maturity. Feel young, always! 20 is just a number, scary at times, especially when you have just entered the realm of the semi-forties. And I know you may believe that I have left you while living the life I am supposed to be living, but let me dispel that as I’ve always done. I stayed on the same spot where you left. You chose to enjoy the liberation you never had, and in a sudden stride of lengthy expanse, though unknowingly, you left. You keep on insisting that I did, or we did, but frankly and right-in-your-face speaking, we stood on the same spot where you took a huge stride, never left. And in times when you needed us, all you have to do is go take those steps back, and you’ll find me on the horizon waving in anticipation for your return. Friendship is where you heart is Marjiiisan.
Enjoy the delectation of quasi-freedom. It never last, nothing does. But when the time comes you need a reliable shoulder to lean on, hesitate not, for I never did left, I simply lived my own life, enjoyed my own life’s transgressions, and starred in my own love story. So are you. But I’m here, like I know you’re there. You, after all, is the best friend I had. Once again, happy birthday! But it wouldn’t be me if I surprisingly flatter you, right? So when tomorrow do come, which it inevitably will, and a camera would be present to record the moments, can I request you don a different smile? I have had enough of it. Do the McDo smile and do not delete it. It takes practice, I was no exemption. Welcome to the 20’s. Life starts each day. Start it right. =]
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