8:42:00 PM |
Kibo |

28th of December, an idea cracked the tranquil surface of the ocean of an unmotivated man. Like a tiny ripple, and like any other ripple seemingly conceived out of nothing, it incrementally gained pace. Slowly its visage is saved from the pit holes of obscurity.
Entertaining the vague idea, although yet clear, the man put it in writing to obtain an artist’s sketch of what it looks like. Minutes dragged into hours, and slowly the idea was pulled out of the blurred fringes and into the dawn of possibilities.
An idea to establish a non-profit organization basically promoting a casual brand of voluntarism was brought into the light; clear but still a heap of volatile uncertainty. The man realized that alone he stands no chance against the aroma of the seductive apathy; that no matter how noble, if it remains just an idea, it is but a wisecrack in the melodramatic theatrics of human demise.
He contacted friends, proposed his gargantuan idea and allied with the gods of persuasion. Who would turn down a plan as noble as this? Many were introduced, but few claimed the necessary audacity to face the unsympathetic winds. As more and more heeded the calling (the calling of everybody whom only a smidgen hears), the hope streaked brighter and brighter. Until one day, the rebels who took arms and no longer remain seated planned to convene to materialize the yet tangible idea of an assembly for anyone for voluntarism. The few volunteers are rewarded even from the thought of reaching out.
January 2, and the most tumultuous mood right after a joyous celebration is pervasive. January 2 was the set date for the volunteers to meet up, collate and juxtapose ideas to build the foundation of a yet conceived assemblage of commoners. The heavens were crying from the massive task that threatens to belittle our objectives. It was cursed with a biting chill, but the volunteers stopped at nothing. The meeting was pushed through.
The atmosphere warmed as the enthusiasm of everyone present loomed above each other’s heads. It was clear that the idea moved everyone to halt their own battle of indifference. The willingness of everyone to push through with the idea sparked the inception of a materialized idea. As the scaffold was slowly founded from the ground up, the visage of the idea that was once hanged in relative obscurity was fleshed out.
And as the day bequeathed its temporary throne, although hastened by the looming clouds, an idea that was once just floating amidst the ocean of the ignored, mushroomed with in the minds of those who testified that indifference is a disease.
We wanted to be a solution to the problem; not a solution to end the suffering of our brothers and sisters, but a solution to eradicate indifference by offering the common people the chance to extend their reach without fear of ridicule or critic. For if your cause is noble, it should not remain inside the c upboards to decay, but should bloom.
Kibo, a Cebuano term for a solution to a problem became the name of our organization; an assembly of simple people whose names are not donned with prominence and imminence. Whose pockets contain only their own hands, but considered it not to be a hindrance for voluntarism.
Kibo was once an idea; an idea that brought together a band of common people to channel their personal causes to something as noble as an action. Kibo became the platform, the stage to call others to flock, to stand for something good, something better to placate the sufferings of our brothers and sisters. Kibo sees the world, someday, where everyone is each other’s volunteers.
*Interested? For further information about Kibo, click on the link and register an account --> Kibo
*Want to sign-up as a member? Be a Kibo, download the membership contract here-->Membership and fill up. In order to become a member, a 100p membership fee is required.
i'd like to join vergie! :) hahaha
your good deeds today wont replace anything you did wrong in the past!
@11:13 am bitter ra kaau ka teh! Move on na uy lol
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