11:16:00 PM |
2)Frazzled and Frayed |

Another humdrum day. The lack of something surprising in my life is making me want to live life unconventionally. Go skydiving, snorkeling, and whatever it is that can emebellish life with a bit of flavorful twist. But sometimes, it is those ordinary days that makes living worthwhile. For it is in them that we seek and yearn for something atypical of life. It's like this, the things we are used to are the things we find stale, be it extraordinary or out-of-this-world. We will never be satisfied, and we will always want something, and that something i'm pretty sure is not in our current life and age. For how can we seek something that we already have? There! I perpetually wander aimlessly to seek those things that i do not have, and i am not experiencing. I am a journeyman! We should all be! And while we are in the pillars of conformity, we will not be living a life that we chose.
Awhile ago, while i was trudging home, dragging my legs of exhaustion and painful palpitations, and out of sheer misfortune, i accidentally kicked an inanimate rock. And in it, i had a sudden life realization: though we are living, conscious or otherwise, something, spontaneously and inadvertently, will suddenly show unnoticeably in front of us and makes us think of why are we even living? What grand scheme is in script for us? Why do sometimes we think we are alive, then something smacks our faces, and make us ask why we even missed that in the first place? If we are so aware of the life we are living, why does something, even in front of us, conspicuous and ostentatious, escape our attention? Are we really mechanically programmed to not notice whatever it is that we deem insignificant, and therefore ignore it as it is? The little things in life are the things that makes life's clockwerk function. It is those little things that makes us appreciate life's flabbergasting nature. In a world of jumbles and complications, the quarks and simple things holds it together,keeps it sane.Keeps us sane. If we have no simplicity to adhere to, where will we be taken? Of course, in the land of the gargantuan complexity.
The big toe on my left leg still throbs in pinching pain, but manageable. The petty experience of me accidentally kicking an unsuspected rock made me delve deep into my inquiring imagination. Who are the rocks in my life that begged to me to notice them? Have i forgotten them, so much so, that they have all turned against me and whose only will is my demise and suffering? Enough of the pessimistic prospection. Somnolence has knocked on my bucolic door once again, and who am i to not answer it? With the lack of things to do, i have continually find myself supinely lying on my self-proclaimed comfortable bed. I have to lie down already and make up for all the lost hours i had by not closing my eyes when time dictates it should. Somnolence, wait for a little while. I still have to meander to distant places of unintelligible prospects.
The dorsal part of my arm hurts like hell, well not that hell hurts, it might be paradise for all we know. I can't raise my arms erect, reach the highest limit of my arm length and i end up gnawing my teeth in sheer discomfort. I did this to myself, and i do not have any regrest or whatsoever. I did this to myself, my choice, my responsibility, the cause of such pain,as of now, should remain vested in invisibility cloak. Muscle pains are at its acme the second day, and i am so not looking forward to tomorrow. Have to wake up, acquiscingly, early. Submit the draft questionnaires which we are required someday to distribute to 300 students, that's the minimum. Standards! Standards! Standards! Would life cease if the standards they set are not that high? Achievable, but impractical. Understandable, but totally outrageous. Will they get cramps on their diaphragms, painfully breath, if the standards they set are mediocre? Then again, the hubbubs i may have, the resentment i may harbor, will all go with the wind as a whistle of eldritch and gelid.
Don't get me wrong! I do not harbor ill-feelings towards the instructors which expects so much of us that we tend to choke on our own beds, die in front of our monitor screens, and stumble as we walk. I totally understand where they are coming from, they want the best to come out in us, scrape us against sandpapers of turmoil and adversities to smoothen us, make us shine. Not that we are not shining enough already. Believe me..I'm being sarcastic here. The totally unhumorous kind of sarcasm.They'll have their days, and they'll be deserving every bit of it. As of now, let them laugh, for the wicked always laughs first, then will condescend into nothing short of giggles. We, the students will have the last laugh! I hope.. :))
I will be answering the missed calls of somnolence any time soon now. I will be more than happy to have "it" as a guest, and if alright, make it stay as long as it likes. I want to end with a thought-provoking thought: Aware we may be in our self-purported lives, we can never be too sure of its genuinity, we may not be living a life that is ours, adhering to the constant dictates and narrations of the external world. We are bereaved of the freedom of a life that is supposed to be ours. We may be. Kick a rock! The ephemeric pain it might cause may bruise your toe, but it will surely make you think and ask are you even in the life you thought you are in?
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