From the moment of awakening up to the time when i am typing this was hectic and filled with things that is baggaged in my mind. When i woke up at around 5:30am this morning to prepare the things which are essential in our activity today, i really do not know how things would go. I almost resorted to praying this day being successful, but i didn't. Surprisingly, i like the feeling of having to think of things to do rather than blandily wait for your day to greet the next. I checked my checklist of things that are already prepared, fetched the things that aren't, go through nonchalantly the happenings of today. Since me and my groupmates finished the flow of our activities, i have been steadfastly running through all of it imaginatively. From the things to say in front, to the things to ask in front, to how i should interact with them, and how i should present myself. I have also been imagining what their expressions would be, the things i would say i have scripted. I only gave up doing so the day before the reckoning day. The nuances i have thought,from the minute details to the gargantuan ones. Before they became sensible was once a part of the construct of my ideation. Back to the exhaustingly elating events: I arrived at SACS at around 7am, +/-2minutes, waited for my groupmates to arrive all the while a little worried that whether or not they would get lost. The road to SACS is like a coiling roll of thread, if you do not know the way, getting lost is as easy as blinking. But 5minutes or so, they arrived. It was not only relieving but also thankful that they did not get lost. We took a seat at SACS waiting for the participants and for Ms.Cindy. Our active training started late than the expected time which was 8am. We started at around 8:30am, and all the things which have been in my mind, sequenced by the constant imagining since days before came crumbling down like a little snowball falling downhill. It was as if the things i was holding on was suddenly ripped from me. I came close to rattling, but i kept my cool, thought it over, and realized:"The best things in life are those that happen spontaneously!" Aren't they? I keep telling myself that whatever happens, happens. One can never expect that everything happens according to plan. I re-established my cool, thought that given this wonderful opportunity to be with people who is also willing to reveal themselves, strip themselves of limiting inhibitions, and possibly grow to be better persons, and only to waste it on a simple worry that can easily be wiped clean. Honestly, and i hope sir Gerry won't be able to read this, but we did not actually follow religiously the planned flow for the day. So many things have been omitted and changed. But overall, i think it was all worth the modifications. At the end of it all, i felt that they really enjoyed their day with us. As much as we want to enjoy our first training ever, our first priority was always their enjoyment. Not just ordinary enjoyment, but learning something while enjoying. A fun heart could never be tamed by clear cut instructions. Our lectures were changed into games with learnings, we added ice breakers in between to, obviously, break the ice. But like any other things in life, their were down moments i thought. I saw some who were bored, so much so that they already wanted to get out. But they stuck with us,waited for the climax of the day, and i wished their emotions of boredom shifted 360degrees. Reading their comments in our evaluation sheets were touching and if anything, inspiring. Thanks to them we felt we did a good job, not just any good job,but a successful job. We felt we have accomplished our sole purpose, though dual, which is to inculcate learnings through fun and smiles. This day is shaping to be one of my best day so far, and even though another one will come in the near future, this day will still be considered to be the best. I wasn't contented because we did a good job, i was contented because they were happy. After this day, i will look forward to more activities such as these. I'm willing to contribute my time to have another one of this again. This is a very memorable day that i called this day, fittingly, Feb27! The people who were a part of Feb27, may you savor the time we had as we will savor it. May memories be mutually shared between us and i hope that we have contributed to each other's smiles! Me, and my groupmates, will assure everyone in Feb27 that we will never forget you, if anything we would hope to see you again, in another miliue. Looking forward to that day sends shiver to my spines. Feb27 has made a burgeouis day extraordinary. We will meet again! That is inevitable! =]
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 All in a day's work! As the conventional cliche goes. A day burdened by aimless walks and child-like meanderings. Amidst the fatigued legs, and a realization of a childhood that never was, this day was ultimately productive. Almost checked everything in the check-list of unorganized to-do's and to-buy's. Who then can blame the aimlessness of this day? If not for the unorganization of tasks written on a crude, almost crumpled to nonextantness paper. Then again, destination is a sure end, but the journey is hidden with a plethora of surprises. Do you know that i hate surprises? Notwithstanding the fact that it induces elating hormones to be secreted and distributed all around the nooks and crannies of my fatigued body, i just couldn't seem to grasp of the feeling i should feel. In plain and simple terms, i do not know how to react when being surprised. That is the primordial reason why i hate them. But over all, it makes one feel good. I'm no exemption! Life, as been said a thousand times, is full of surprises. The only thing we can expect is that we cannot expect anything. Life's non-sequential nature is prominent. We don't merely go to point C from a perspective of point A. We sometimes get lost and manage to reach the point of our goals from another point. In life, we always get lost. Be it literally or figuratively, we remain strangers to the jumbled streets of life. No map has ever been created for life, no one just can. And this may sound absurd, but, we should at least lose our way to discover new and amazing sceneries where we could not have seen if we continue to trudge to the laiden path for us. We sometimes should go against the grain of conventionality to realize what we are meant for in life. Sometimes getting lost can lead to us finding our true selves. Before the subconscious, "where i was following you and you were following me" walks, i took a glance of a chance to read a snippet of Ayn Rand's: Philosophy: Who Needs it? book, and read somewhere there that how sure are we really of reality. Is the reality we perceived to be as one, really real or is it just a product of us making our own reality, hence an illusion fabricated by the mind? For a simple line, it really struck me. Really, what if everything we see around us, everything we feel, smell, hear, taste, and everything sensible around us is just something we thought would be as we think they should be? If that would be the case, then we are all alone in this world, no one else exists. We live in our little dimensional bubble where whoever, whatever else is in is just an illusion tangibly constructed by the mind to prove to itself that it can provide for itself amidst the solitude. But in a simple snap of a finger, all we think is unreal we somehow know to be real. Because if they aren't then how sure can we be that we are real? For one, humans are selfish beings, and we would likely and innately think that we are the only one capable of unlocking the secrets to life, what more for us to think that we are all alone and we are the only one who exists? By the way, this has been my first diary entry. I had an involuntary 4-days hiatus. Reasons i do not intend to disclose, but it includes the down-days where imagination is half-dead. And another farfetching announcement: my 2 months hiatus on poem writing has just ended on the 20th, and it has been 2 days after since i wrote my first poem in months. Poesy is my escape, literally. In a world of social dictatorship and misleading politics, this is the only alternative of which i know, or think i know i am capable of. We are victims of conformity. Since we were tiny siblings, incapable of practicing freewill, we were already taught to comport to society. To adhere to its nonchalantly legistlated laws and agreements, many of which we, the supposed target of such laws know nothing about. A sad awakening! The government in which we are the foundations, are eating away the pillars with tempting greed and palatable offers of greed. Politics has lost its essence. In my other blog, i wrote my abovementioned and above-introduced poem. I hope you enjoy! And i was tackling about the duality of a man. We cannot deny that we are different people in different contexts! Nobody is consistent. Just consistently inconsistent. People! We are dynamic. That's permanent!=]
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 While i was heading home riding a crude yet historically-significant vehicle, sitting directly next to where the exit is, and when i intuitively turned my head to my right as the jeepney started to roll up the inclined start of the "old bridge" i happen to catch a glimpse of an astonishing site. The moon, seemingly incomplete and devoured by darkness, begets a smile. The smooth edges of the curvature of its smile, scintillating in borrowed luster, seems to be too pretentious. Actually, its smile is more of a twitch of the lips. The kind of smile that is used to shroud feelings of sorrow. But that is just me. And the moon may just be showing what the sun wanted it to show. Do you know that we are constantly seeing only the one side of the moon? We never get to see what is behind the exhausted moon. And i believe that we are like that. We only show to people, close or otherwise, one side of our selves. There remains in us an insurmountable inhibition where even if we are aware of such chasm between what to show and what not to show, we still pull ourselves back and refuse to show the totality of ourselves. We are different people when we are alone to when we are outside the comfort of solitude. But this doesn't make us pretentious. For we are not pretending to be anybody different, and it certainly does not misguide the people with whom we interact. We as humans are an amalgam of selves. We have this colation of different selves, and each of them are what constitutes the totality of our being. I am many, and so are you. We are distinct persons in distinct contexts, but we are still those persons. Water changes physical properties contingent to varying temperatures. Water can be ice when temperature falls down below the freezing point of water which is 0 degrees celsius, and water can also be vapor above the boiling point of it. We are like the water, we are amorphous, we continually, though sometimes unconsciously adapt to the surroundings in order for congruence to occur. We are an adaptive specie, we strive for homeostasis. I have so many things that i wished to share to the people around me, so much so that i do not know where to start. But beneath the intention of self-disclosing there belongs a leash of plaguing inhibition. I believe we all have that certain dilemma where we just cannot show to the people around us what we truly feel, who we truly are, and where we truly want to go. We inefficaciously place ourselves inside the shoes of our observers and think of how they might react or think when they found out that i am this, i am that, whatnot. We already have a conclusion as to how they might think about us even before we showed ourselves to them. Talk about making a stereotype against ourselves. And i thought emotional self-inflicting of wounds via cutting the wrist reluctantly with seemingly every sharp object one can find is the most nefarious form of self-gratification via self-infliction of wounds. I have nothing against this specific type of group, as they have their own right towards unique way of self-expression. If anything, all i have for them is respect, but more on apathy. Have you ever contemplated as to who among our friends can best describe us comprehensively who we are? I believe that even among the closest of my close friends, there still remains a room where i can comfortably breathe and move. We are just too reluctant in disclosing every information about us. We should be like the moon. Though we are only showing half of who we are, might as well show to every person an overview of what they may expect of us. The moon is very dependent to the sun, not only as a source of luster, but as a source of almost anything. Like us, we persons are dependent to many things in life that is relative to everything. Live life relatively! And we may sometimes see ourselves behind the line labeled as conventionality. Life is relative! =]
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 I started my day with a thought-provoking, though rudimentary question: "What is at the edge of darkness?". Or perhaps, "What is at the edge of light?". The moment i opened my eyes to the still fresh lights of early morning, i was startled by such question. The obvious answer to the former question is of course light. At the edge of darkness is light, and subsequently, at the edge of light is darkness. But the provoking did not sprout from there. I started to generalize, and i think it is a good thing, that question to everything else in life: what is at the edge of love? at the edge of hate? at the edge of compassion? at the edge of apathy? at the edge of dreams? of hopes? of frustration? And so on. I promise i could go on forever, but then again, what is at the edge of forever? Questions after questions, and it can go on beyond the mind can comprehend. But i am more interested in the general outlook of darkness and light. Darkness being the negativities of life, and light, the contrast of darkness of course, the positivities of life. Beyond our perceived reality, what exists? Beyond the the island on which we tread, what exists? Beyond the box in which we are placed unto, what exists? I think what constitutes and defines life is way bigger than what we truly think of it. Reality is never tantamounted to life, though it constitutes much of it, it's just isn't life. There is more to life than what actually meets the senses. Cliche as it may seem, it rings true wherever, whenever. Imagine if life is everything we see, how lethargic it would be. If you did imagine, then you have installed yourself away from reality. I love that word, "installed". Sounds very mechanical. Reverting back to the topic: when we human persons are deprived of imagination, steadfastly holding only to what is tangible, then aren't we living a very monotonous life? As Opportunism purported, humans live one day at a time. We are capable of living without any guiding principles, without looking forward to anything, consciously! Aren't we always looking forward to something? Good or bad, for as long as it has not happened yet, and we suppose it to happen, then aren't we looking ahead? I do think it is impossible for us persons to not look what has not happened yet. C.D. Broads asserted that the future does not exist, only the past and the present do. It makes sense if you refuse to delve deeper. It sounds specious, so much so that it almost persuaded me into believing it. But if we look forward to something, imagine it almost at the verge of happening, then doesn't it exist? It may not be tangible, sensible, and outward, but it happened though only within the constructs of our mind, it existed. If we take into account the properties of memories, though it happened, it was once tangible, but along with the looking-forward-to's, it belongs within our mind. The only difference would be that one happened and one is supposed by us to happen. The future exists! For we will it to. But not everything we will to happen, happens. As the simple, yet unequivocal adage goes ( i'm not too sure if it qualifies as an adage though) "Sh*t happens!". And it does! Things happen to us even if we do not will it to, even if we do not deliberately want to. It only goes to show that we cannot control everything in our lives. We may be the captains of our souls, but we aren't controlling the weather in which we are sailing. We are still determined by the things that are continually happening around us, good or bad. Then again, everything happens for a reason, sh*ts included. That also vindicates the deterministic nature of life. But i do not agree on the universality of the deterministic nature of everything. Some things just happens randomly, out of thin air. Spontaneity is still an admirable trait of life. Life therefore is spontaneous and determined. What is at the edge of darkness? Is it light or is it still darkness? If we represent darkness as the opposite of love, what is at its edge? I believe, and i have so long ago held on to this tenet, that the opposite of love is not hate. For before you hate, you love. And hate is never the total and absolute absence of love. Love is omnipresent! The absence of it is the absence of feelings, therefore apathy. Leo Buscaglia once asserted that the opposite of love is apathy, and i believe so that it is. Not to care, not to consider, not to love at all is the other end of the paradigm. Does it therefore apply that at the edge of love is apathy? I hope so, but i also hope that beyond love is more love, and apathy is just a human failing that is unattainable and remains only within the realm of pessimistic thinking. What is at the edge of darkness? That after every night comes day, beyond every shadow is the source of light with which it came to be. Beyond every failure, and at the edge of its every paremeter is the agent and the wanted end of the intention of succeeding. If you think of it within the context of shadow at noon, you can see clearly the paucity of shadows in relation to the plethora of the sun-lit road and whatnots. Analogically, if there'd be such a word, shadows can be represented as the shortcomings of our lives, and the sun-lit roads our successes. We should not dwell too much on these shadows, comforting as it may seem on their nature of shielding us from the scorching sun, it limits us only to one spot, and we won't be able to grow to the farthest reach of what we are capable of. Go out of that comfort zone. Bathe under the incessant source of life-giving rays of the sun. We are very much capable of anything, not everything though. Darkness is always at the edge of light, and light at the edge of darkness. At the edge of love is apathy, at the edge of success are failures, at the edge of wishes is content, at the edge of passion is pity, at the edge of hope is helplessness. The edges of things in life always connects to another edge of life. Nothing ends if not beyond death! Live pleasantly on!
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 This day is beginning to look like below ordinary. If boredom could kill i would be the first casualty. And i think many will compete for the first person ever killed by boredom. The recurring rain-swelter-rain is making my head spin in confusion and headache. And i just don't understand the weather nowadays. Well, in the first place "weather" is described as a quick-changing phenomena. As is reported over and over again in news on television, the Philippines is being tormented by the despised El NiƱo. The phenomena where the never-ending scorch of the sun continually devastates the hopes of many of producing a lucrative supply of agriculture. Talk about helplessness. We humans think so highly of ourselves, but when nature starts to destroy what we humans are dependent to, we cannot do anything about it. What have we humans got compared to what nature already have? But then again, even though we do not have control over nature and its destructive, sometimes constructive path, we should go back in controlling what we can control: our lives! 30 minutes to go before the day of reckoning for lovers and for those who are feeling love. I'm pretty sure many are excited! I for one am. But what am i excited for? When one is excited over something, it means that he/she is looking forward to something. What are we anticipating this Valentine's day? To receive love? Why would one even expect to receive love when one could not even give it out? You see, the greatest gift we can ever give to every person in this world is love. Though we cannot love every bit of breathing, walking, sentient being on this tectonic plate-cursed earth, we can at least love those who we think is worthy of our love. Then again, everyone is worthy of love. Strangers, close friends, family, enemy, so on and so forth. They are all worthy to be loved by us. Consequently, we are also worthy ourselves of love by others. There is no human being walking on the 30% land is ever unworthy of love. It is the single best gift we can gift to the people around us. Indubitably, it can change lives. Sad enough though, we don't get love too often and as deserved. The world will be celebrating the all-hailed Valentine's day in about 24 minutes and counting down. But what is really the essence of valentine's day? Is it the showing of love? The pride one "must" have in having someone special in one's life? Or is it the reveling over having someone to share your life with? What is the essence of valentine's day, really? What is?Valentine's day is a microcosm of life. It is a celebration for love, not just one type of love, but all of the types. But nowadays, the connotation tagged to this day has been slowly narrowing. Those who doesn't have anyone (i think it is bogus to think that we don't have anyone, we just have to open our eyes!), complain and grieves because of the lack of company. Valentine's day is becoming the day for lovers. Then again, nothing is wrong with that. We are all lovers: our family is our lover, our friends are our lovers, ourselves are our lovers. We have a plethora of loved ones, we just deny and deceive ourselves that we don't. Valentine's day is slowly losing its sense. It has become very materialistic, and yeah! It has become too narrow. Love is an unlimited emotion. Valentine's day has limited it. We have all the people that love us, and we turn a blind eye to them because as society dictates, they are not the people we should be celebrating valentine's day with. Who are we deceiving? Who do you expect should we celebrate our valentines with? Our special someone? We have limited relationships into mere boy-girl intimacy. Which is by the way not only insulting, but also verging on desperation. No one can blame anybody. We are biological creatures, and procreation is innate in us. But really! We have a myriad of relationships all around us, all we have to do is embrace them as relationships, and delimit them. We have our family, our friends, ourselves! We love them, don't we? Then if we do, then they are not exempted in our celebration. Let's celebrate it with them and go against conventionality. In the first place, convention is dynamic. We should be the catalysts for its change. And its change will be worthwhile, as the current position it is in is absurd. Valentine's day may be losing its sense and is slowly narrowing, love on the other hand is still love as love was. It hasn't change a bit, if anything it has even grown. Love should not be celebrated and acoladed once a year! It is too broad and too wonderful for just a day. Even 365 days are insufficient. Imagine a world where each and everyone of us, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 31 days a month, 365 days a year, shows love, celebrate love, display our love to the people around us, what a joyous life it would be. Then again, it is ideal! I'm more clinging into what is real and attainable. But you see i am not limiting reality into something tangible, something empirical, or something scientifically grounded. Reality for me is anything, everything the mind can embrace. What i am ranting about is no exemption. Valentines day=nonsensical! Love=continuously wonderful. If you may ask why i am criticizing and elaborating the nonsensicality of the modern time valentine's day? This is all thanks to s3 for giving a chance to introspect, think, and organize my thoughts. Think! Is love really that puny just being celebrated for one day? Valentine's day has limited it something which when placed in a box, destroys the box without even trying. Love is so much more than what is thought about, no thanks to V-day! Love should be! And it is a should, celebrated every day of our insignificant lives. Everyday should be love day! =]
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 Valentine's eve, if there'd be such a day, it would be that. Since the day before Christmas is called Christmas eve, and the day before new year is called new year's eve, then the day before valentine's should be called valentine's eve. It is not an exemption to this rule. As the panoramic view unfolds before me, the day when love is in the limelight, i am seeing myself falling more and more in love. As Leo Buscaglia says, we do not fall out of love, there is only falling in love. Love that man, and i purposely said love as it is still active even right this very moment, and i am pretty confident that it will still be as it is when my semi-black hair mutates into silver strands. We lack love nowadays, and anyone who disputes that is stuck in his/her own little world of unicorns and fairies! The million dollar question is "how do we love?" Not just love superficially, but love in every way love means. You see, love, if taking out of its incarceration of being just a measly word, would encompass every human being there is in our world today. That 4 letter word can touch every person, dead or otherwise. And the wonderful thing about it is when it permeates into our very existence, it doesn't lose anything. The love you gave to someone will still be the same love you will be giving to another. It is an indefragable and an incontrovertible feeling. How do we love? Must we look at what is visible to our naked eye? Must we touch what is tangible to our integumentary system? You see, and i hope you do see, what is essential is invisible to the eye. Irony, right? The world, diverse as it may seem, is cleaved by love. What is common in every corpus in this world is our mutual feeling towards living. We love to live! We want others also to love to live. As Leo Buscaglia said, love is life! And it is. For what would be of life without love? Imagine, what would be of it? I see it as a dead leaf crumbling effortlessly by the breeze. It's just isn't life at all. How do we love? There's no curriculum vitae to guide us on how to love! We just do. It is a primordial human feeling, at times a human failing. I say it is because we talk so much of it and yet we don't give much of it. I am no exemption! Then you think i am being a hypocrite of preaching something i do not even practice. But of course. Aren't we all are? But as long as i am aware of what i am lacking and what i am capable of giving, i can have the conviction of adding to it or giving it. For want of a good rebuttal of me being a hypocrite, i am trying to practice the things i usually believe in. How do we love? I should say, we should love spontaneously! If you give it a critical thought, then how would that qualify as love? How do i love you? Should i give you flowers this valentine's day? Or should i treat you to a romantic, candle-lit dinner for two? Should you? You could. It's your prerogative to do so since you are the one who knows what and how you can show to your loved one your love for him/her. The best things in life, and since i have tantamounted life to love, i can safely say that the best things in love is what's going behind the scenes. Behind the curtains before the theatrical show even begins, behind the close doors liberated by the judging eyes of society, it is the nuances of love, of life. The spontaenous happenings, and in spontaneous i mean the things that happens naturally, things that are unplanned. Like the wind, that just decides to blow wherever it wants, and you see, that is what's beautiful about the wind. It touches everyone without having to map out its path. We should be, as a way of showing our love, like the wind. How do we love? You ask a hundred people that question and you would get a hundred unique, though connected answers. Each of us has our own way of showing our love. We could be tit for tat critical to the one's we love, blatantly criticize their mistakes, and if for us we are showing love, then we are. No one dictates to us, well anyone can, but we should not let it get into us, how we should love the people we love. They do not even know better than us. They're busy with their lives thinking of how they could show their love. We love people in our own little, unique ways. There are as much ways of showing our love than there are people around the world. Let no one tell you that you should do this, do that, don't do this, and don't do that. You are you and they are them. Trust yourself, that is what's lacking nowadays. How do we love? Since it is valentine's day, people are busy preparing things to make their partners feel loved. And i laud them. I support them in every undertakings they do. I admire them, to that precise extent! But if i may castigate, why just now? Well at least we have that one day where we can romantically and ostentaciously display our love without having to feel ashamed of it. But aren't we doing it out of necessity? Not to sound to blatant and all. Just because it is that time of the year, just because everybody is doing it and i should be also or i would be ostracized, just because i am pressured to do so. We should show our love to our better half just because..And it ends there. Free from reasons, free from pressures. Being reminded of valentine's day makes me think of how much little time we allot to proudly showing to our loved ones how much, or how we love them. 365 days in a year, and just 1 day. 1 day?! It's just evident and vindicative of how much we as living beings of the modern times, think so less of love. Are we really doomed of being lonely? Each and everyone of us living a life of solitude. Speaking of the modern times, one of the most abused sentence (and this is not backed up by empirical statistics; i personally do not put my life on the line on statistics) is "I love you." It's a sentence, isn't it? It has a subject, a verb and an object for the verb. During my highschool days, it is something you say when you mean it. And even if you mean it, you still have to attend to a lot of contradicting feelings when you want to say it. But today, it's no longer even necessary to explain.But i think that that is a good thing. The youth taught that early to what love is. How it hurts, how its suppose to feel, how its suppose to be shown, and so on. But more often than not, it is taught the wrong way! Then again. There is no wrong way for love. What i mean is, love as a prerequisite for life, has been a taught as a prerequisite for sex. Mind you, sex is essential but not a necessity. We're living in a scary world nowadays. Give it another 5years and i for one will no longer be able to recognize what love is about as taught. How do we love then? We just do. No what if's, no why's, no what's, and no wh-question's. We simply do. Love is simple! No need to complicate what is simple in the first place, it will do no one good. The moment you feel your heart jumping out with joy, and you start to doubt if you are in love. Don't! You are in love. Do not be afraid of the pain it might, and it will bring! As Nietzsche said, "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!". Pain is penultimately a branch of love.One will never know what love means, what love is, and why love is, when we don't get hurt. Do not be afraid, for if you arethen you are destined to be afraid of love. Love, love, love! Why is something so wonderful so despised? How do we love? Just do. ^^,
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 A very decalescent day. The sweltering sun shun its proud UV producing rays upon those who unknowingly goes on with their lives. Started this day right and got directly on what i should be finishing and should have been finished weeks ago. But better late than never as they say. After getting over a very stressful and time demanding month of January, i am noticing that i am gradually reverting back to the old ways of irrational delaying of unimportant to important tasks. I need to reorganize myself, set priorities right and rigidly, and swear to every deities there are that i will be religiously sticking to my plans. I'm sure that after all these adversities and sleep-deprived months is a time of reveling and joyous leaps of gratitude. Procrastination is no longer considered as a temporary comfort pillow to an almost stiff neck. Got to get up and do what it is that must be done, no excuses! Aside from meeting a quasi-gay (not in a discriminating tone) kid in school, altogether this day was again bourgeois! And let me babble about that kid me and my groupmates met a while ago. He was about 9 or 10 years old, and studying in a school that was new to my palate, St. Benedict. What was conspicuous about this kid is that he is talkative to the point of irritating where you want to shove pieces of paper in his mouth to prevent him from talking. What was amazing though is that he talks so much like an adult, which for me by the way is what is causing dilemma to our society. In my subjective analysis of the situation we were in, that kid was deprived of his childhood. Taught and forced to think, talk, and act like an adult. Not degrading the intellects of kids nowadays but disregarding the fact that they are getting smarter, they are also getting older,quickly. Coming from one who never enjoyed his childhood, i know too well the consequences of being compelled to be adult-like notwithstanding your age. Perfectionism as a tool to gauge the capabilities of children nowadays is not only verging on absurdity, but also on invalidity.Why would one ever expect children to be perfect, fait accompli their age? Better yet, how would one ever expect something even we grown-ups haven't and will never attain from a child who has not yet even understand what being perfect is? Why make adults out of children? The earlier we put the cookies in the oven and leaving them for years, the more they get burnt, get charred and will never be palatable to the tastebuds. And another issue i would like to rantingly bring about to the table of catered and yet seemingly ordinary food is the prevalence of kids nowadays using English as the mode of conversation. In and of itself, i should say, is not wrong. But if i may cry out loud, as loud as i can until the echo of that cry of mine reverberates to the spines of these amnesia-struck parents inducing tremors and irating goosebumps, we are living in Cebu! We must use our native dialect to inculcate values and knowledge to our children. The native tongue where we once were so proud way back when is slowly falling down the overtures, and is endangered of being extinct. One day, and i fear this day come to be when i am still breathing the breaths of these foreign tongues, that no one will ever speak the syllables of bisaya, where no one sings the lyrics laced with sweet melodies of our own language. Why do we try to mimic everything our conqueror does Are we that unconscious of our servitude when we do such inglorious acts? Well, i am not one to speak, and even though i am ranting and raving these indignant and impetuous whiplashes, the dialect i am using to make my entries is not my native tongue. I do not know how that would be different to the one i am indignant about, but i'm confident that they are two diverse cases. And that even though i make use of the little knowledge vested unto my hollow brain on the english tongue, i am still proud, and i take pride in that pride, that i am a cebuano-speaking, english-writing, son of the soil unique to the land where i stand. Hinaot sa akong pag-yawyaw ug mga maka-bukhad mata na lalis, naa koy mabukhad ug laing mga mata. Let the children of today enjoy their being a child. Don't pressure them to grow up just because the world is running in a seemingly fast-paced, dynamic, and illogically-dictated method. Our children must take pride not only from where they were born, from what their inheritance is, but also from what language that is distinct to us. The moment we start talking like our colonizers is the moment we accept wholeheartedly the servitude they have inculcated in us. They have succeeded in making us their stray pets. We are smarter than what they expect of us. They have undermined our intellect since time immemorial, and that is one aspect we can use to our advantage. We can catch them by surprise as to how mindful we are to our pride as Filipinos, who up until now will be more than willing to raise arms, battle the oppressors who perpetually opress us. Enough of this politics talk. I am going nowhere, and certainly this won't do me any good. But we must have a receptacle where we can continually and uninhibitingly throw away the nuisances in our minds; not that this is one of it, but it might be categorized on the same rank. Who has never been indignant to the bureaucracies of the 21st century certainly isn't living the real world as the billions of humans are? So much to talk about, so little space. If i'd be given a chance to just press on the keyboard that is already grimacing in acute pain as i incessantly, though formally, greet the little boxes imbued with corresponding letters with my semi-folded and always-ready fingers, i would fill up a mile of blank notepad pages. And i do use notepad, it is not only convenient, but also doesn't underline every single mistake that is non-coinciding with the rules of spelling and grammar as dictated by the people i was whiplashing with my tongue a while ago. Let us be proud! We may deny our tongue, recant our nationality, but one thing we can never deny,implicitly or explicitly is the fact that within our blood and strands of protein-coated chromosomes laiden out with a double-helix deoxyribonucleic acid, we are, and will ever be the Filipinos the foreigners so love to love. We are what we are, and could never become anybody else. Pinoys are diamonds in a rough!^^,
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 I'm finding myself constantly taking a peek at the seemingly insurmountable piles of risographed paper printed with situations aimed to measure the prevalence of procrastination within the current 20th century bureaucracy (exhaling..). We were asked to let 300 willing or unwilling volunteers, or should i say, victims to answer these papers. I have started disseminating a measley of these papers, but the thought of 300 just doesn't seem to encourage me as it should be. As far as i am concerned, it will really take a lot of guts to approach random strangers and let them answer your questionnaire hoping all the while that they wouldn't and would just go along their insignificant lives. But nonetheless, since this is a requirement, and it is imperative for me to finish this before due, i am bereaved of alternatives. But amidst all the constant doubt-confidence struggles within the deep corners of my schizophrenic mind (well, almost schizophrenic), i will try everything that i am privileged or cursed with to try and reach my target goal. I am done stapling these papers, 3 pages each, yesterday. At the start of my stapling errand, i got irritated so much by the out-of-tune clacks of the stapler as i press it against the no-resistance sheets of paper. It isn't really much of a task if you think of it. But if you try to remember, i must get 1 page per bundle, by the way, i had around 900 sheets of paper, staple them together, and do it perfunctorily. Once you get the hang of the routine, it is effortless. But after some time, around 100+ pages gone and done, you get to feel the aches in your back, the flow of your blood gets blocked as you sit for a very long time, your hands start to vibrate in fatigue, and lastly, your ears starts to hear the clacking sound of the stapler even though you are resting. And as a result to the lack of other things to do, as i have a very short attention span, i tried to count the number of staple wires in one magazine: and amazingly, they're equally 54 per. See what boredom results to? Even the nuances of life, you start to enjoy. And if i may ask, what would be wrong in enjoying the little things of life? It is in them that life's clockwerks, its sprockets and nuts and bolts get lubricated to rotate in a much smoother, noise-free way. After about 2 hours of stapling, pausing and stapling again, i finished all 300 pages. And the reward of something you did in conviction, or with compassion, if we try to be melodramatic, is worthwhile. I lied down my un-clothed bed, and stretched as if it was the first stretch i had in so far. It felt good having to reach the end goal that was once at the limit of our sight, and was now behind our sight where we cannot see when we do not turn our heads back. But the clacks still played in my ears though. And i will assure you that it is not at all that comfortable. Clack, clack, clack! I was really about to go to sleep before i typed, not to sound too mechanical, this reminiscence. I have decided yet again to delay this nonsensical entry. But something in me, again in my unfailing schizophrenic mind, just isn't satisfied with mere dialogue of selves. Monologue maybe since it only is a talk between me and i. Believe it or not, the election for college SSC is fast-approaching. Irrefutably and irrevocably approaching in an unstoppable pace. I didn't know it was suppose to be if i was not able to go to the proclaimed main campus. I came there to have my questionnaires risographed so i may start distributing them to spiteful, some pitiful victims. And as i was meandering in child-like ignorance, i happen to glimpsed a tarpouline of seemingly irritable, not-too-pleasing shades of unknown hues and tints. I approached it in a stalking manner, and the nearer i got, the clearer the words were. Election! At first i thought it was the national elections, the elections for national office where dinosaurs devour crocodiles, and lions scare off the puny cats, but it was the ever-hailed and ever-commercialized SSC elections of our school. I wasn't too excited at first since i wasn't critical after that. But when a friend of mine announced (i do not know if it was implicit or explicit) that he was running for a seat in the school government, and was preparing for a sugar coated, deception-ful speech, all hell broke lose. I began to question the motives behind the formation of such council when to begin with it is just a pet to the despised SAO.It claims to be that it is incumbent in them that they are the voice of the students, when for a fact they cannot even go against the one entity that the students so despised because of implementing absurd and useless rules. The self-proclaimed voice of the students are the megaphones of SAO. All they do is reverberate every syllable this entity speaks, and it has been that ever since i stepped and opened my eyes to the politics of our school. I have again returned to the real world. I have been an aficionado to the world of imaginings and fantasies. The harsh part is that i am always not able to stay there for long periods of time. The world of imaginings maybe as reveling as the thought of pistachio flavored ice cream, but the real world isn't that bad as normally expected of it. I think i am now contented with what i am able to express after the giddyness before this. It has been a prima facie, that reality is subjective, and i do not have the current capabilities to counter that, so as of the moment, i must agree. We define reality in our own unique way. What is real for me if you may ask? It is everything the mind can embrace. Keep it real! =]
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 Bourgeois day! Love that word..I'll see to it that i'll be using that word occasionally. Have i ever told that i love words?Luciferous logolepsy in word-nerd jargon. It simply means an illuminating love for words. I really cannot retrace where i got infected with it, but as far as i know, everytime i immerse myself in a wordhunt, i can't seem to control my emotions. I seem to get ecstatic with every new find. Although i cannot remember every word i learn, and most of it just sits in the corner of my unused and forgotten words' bank, i usually feel like a kid in a toy store. By the way, bourgeois means ordinary, commonplace, typical. Another ennui-filled day. I seem to have them more often now. Is it from the lack of conviction to make each day explode in exuberance? I'm certainly lacking conviction these past few days. No inspiration, no mind-swirving debates, no thought-provoking inquiries. Just plain old times void of thinking. Living in a routine-dictated life has made me mechanical. Every action calculated, every work is planned. When can i ever break this chain of expected actions? It has gotten inside my gut and is inducing vomit. Forgive the macabre language. It is as it is. These past few days, i noticed myself pulled down in a slump. I have these times every once in a while where inspiration just escapes me. There are also times where everywhere is inspiration for me. I do not know where and how it came to be, but this is one of those times where i am bereft of inspiration. The words just don't seem to be organized, and i don't seem to flow spontaneously when i compose. Writing while thinking just doesn't seem right, and something just feels pretentious when i read them. It doesn't feel genuine, as if it is fabricated for the sole purpose of recognition. I want to write like water flows downhill. Sometimes i am like that, and sometimes, like this time, i need to think deep, take calculated risks, fit in a tailor-fit facade to conceal the absence of imagination in me. My imagination must be exonerated nonetheless, as it has nothing to do with me being in this melancholic situation. If my imagination is like a body of another dimension, as i believe it is, it is perpetually existing, intangible though. Well, if we so believe in an intangible, imperceptible, can never be seen, heard, smelled, or touch god, then what would be if we just believe in another intangible? Imagination is broad, if anything, even god belongs to our imagination; a collective one though, one of which convened by society, coerced in our easily-persuaded minds, and dictated constantly to induce conformity. What is it with me and society? I seem to castigate its salient effects and influence on an individual. Who could blame me? Convention has made man a prisoner in his own world. Let me end with telling you that i just cannot stop myself from being addicted to mango chips! As long as my memories take me, it has showed me that i loved dried mango, and up til' now, i still do. What is it about them that i do not seem to get full of? Well, we all have something that we are addicted to, it just so happens that i am addicted to dried mangoes. Hurrah for the Philippines for making such a palatable snack. I just hope that i won't diagnose myself upon waking up with a severe sore throat. I hate sore throat. It domino effect's every aspect of my physicality. From my cough to my sinusitis, one ailment leads to another. So let me ask to those who are holy to at least spare me my healthy throat. Pretty please!
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 A lightless night, where only flickers of candles burn in lethargy. The rain is in an uproar sky shattered by thunder every after ephemeric flashes. I look above to try to see where the rain would end. But from the last of my sight i still see rain. I look below the road opposite the sky There's nothing. But as beams of light flash the abhorred darkness I see the rain shatter as it hits the road. Like thousands of dandelions, they are. Scattering with every gentle breeze. One sprouts, as one disappears. My almost numb skin, dripping and shriveled As i carelessly walk against the rain. I realized i'm lucky. For I have been one with the sky. The rain as it falls, connects the sky from the ground. Whatever the rain touches, has been touched by the sky. Only the rain connects heaven from earth. As a gift or a curse, it falls. Only the rain makes equals of men For it reminds us that we're here below as it is from above. Only the rain sends the message of heaven as it falls. © deluterio2010
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 Here i am again finding myself breaking my promise of activeness. I have tons of meticulous cat muscle parts to memorize, and what am i doing? You got it right. Procrastinating. It's like a suppressed disease treated momentarily. Then in an unexpected aggravation, the once latent viral infection, came back with a new strand of chromosomal dna. Blah! Health jargons. But you get my point. I thought i have alleviated this disease, i may have thought wrong and may have jumped unto my bandwagon too early. Have i retrogressed? I think so not for i do not believe in retrogression in any way it is defined and elaborated. Nobody retrogresses, for one will never be the person he was in the past. The past will always remain within the realm of rememberings, never to be lived again, never tangible. A person can imagine himself being what he used to be, but it's just all that: mere imagining, never to be realized into a perceptible entity. Let's retrogress (not the person-type of retrogression, but more like a topic retrogression)! I have to once again find that pill that could have, may have, cured my procrastination. And i may have an idea as to what was it. Effort! I think zoology21 can wait. It won't go anywhere as it is stagnant and is fixed under the foundations from which it was built upon. As of now, let me grieve on the first day since forever that i have not seen the love of my life. She, if it is not confidential, has gone to Cagayan de Oro. Of gold! Would we ever see glittering bars of tantalizing gold in that place? If so then i think every money-whores would flock that place, strip it with it's wealth, then leave as if the purpose of that place is for them to benefit from it. Ayn Rand emphasized the virtue of selfishness. Man is selfish and would seek and move forward with the thing that they think can contribute to their attainment of pleasure. And since pleasure is innately good, whatever we may do to attain it, the means to its end, is good. So is man ultimately a selfish creature? I believe so that we are. And just by denying that fact is in itself a selfish mode of defending the person. We seek everything that can, consciously or unconsciously, bestow us with pleasure. But then again, as Thomas Hobbes insinuated, not as a retaliation or a rebuttal, but as a supplement, that nothing in this world is in itself good or in itself bad. It's just the way we label the things we desire or detest. Man makes himself or others good or bad. It is how he label the things he desires or detests, therefore every code of conduct or morals and laws are mere subjections of what men thinks ought to be done and ought not to be done. And whatever is subjective does not apply to the totality of the human race, hence the relativitistic relationship of what is good and what is bad. In an ineffacacious conviction trying to expunge my procrastination infection, i must study zoo21 after i have placed this on my self-gratifying blog. Since i was just a highschool student, i used to like to have my own blog, and it is only now that i have myself one that would cage the nomad in me. As i am an expedient person, and as was vindicated in my 16pf test, i do not stick to one thing for periods of time. I must do something different after a few days if lucky. And since i have been practicing awareness for myself, it is a start. Knowing your flaws, you may have a better chance on working on these, either going beyond it or just simply avoiding it. I'm more of the former. I am not an avoidant person, so much so that i tend to clash everything head on. If i have to, i will have to face it alone. Alone-ness is the predicament we will be in when our journeys are long since overdue. All that we will have is ourselves, except for those schizophrenic people and those with the dilemma of multiplicity, they'll never be alone. Man's struggle for living is only to himself and no one else. We cannot struggle for someone else's life. Our essentials may be the same, as a gradually rotting entity, but the meaning we imbue our own lives are up to us. Suddenly strucked by somnolence, so i must now move away from this scintillating quasi-smoothed rectangular box. With its glaring glow, i have to squint a bit, which can, for a fact, induce drowsiness, which tonight, is not an option for me. I'm considering sleeping and wake up at dawn then study. I must go, and weigh the things which really matter to me. Not that it matters, i am just made to believe that it does matter. Free will, you will have to wait til' tomorrow! I will myself that! =]
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 Was suddenly struck with sinusitis. So sudden there was no caveat or whatsoever. It happened like a breeze happens for the trees. It started with a facile sneeze that complicated into a series of more sneezing and tearing. From the constant achoo-ing,came the consequent swelling of my eyes. My eyes tinted with red like squeezed tomatoes. After the seemingly uncontrollable parching of my eyes, i had a difficult time opening them, well not difficult in the sense that i cannot open them, difficult in the sense that when i do open them i get glared then i squint in discomfort from light that is not even there. And then, the moment of could-not-open-eyes-anymore comes. I closed my eyes hoping for a apacing remedy. I kept thinking that every ailment is a product of the mind; whatever the mind conceives, the body achieves(Pharmaton!). But in my deep (deep enough for the likes of me) and quasi-solacing meditation, nothing happened to my sinusitis. I opened my eyes, and unsurprisingly the symptoms never did get away. If anything, it got worse. At that moment i thought, i have to at least take my medication; though modicum, it could at least assuage me temporarily, enough for me to have walked my love home.But sadly, the effects of my medication took about 2hours to partake, and it was just too late. But, better late than never, as they say! Right now, the more atrocious symptoms have slowly dissipated away. Where to? I hope far away from here, never to be disturbing me in my slumber. Traces of the footprints the nefarious sinusitits still remains though, but not much, just enough to make me breath uncomfortably with my mouth. Mouth breathing requires effort. Breathing is supposed to be effortless and subconscious, and i am, nonce, not privileged with it. I am also feeling the soporific after-effects of the medications i took. I don't want to be visiting the realm of dreams so early as i may wake up unexpectedly in the middle of dawn, finding myself unable to sleep again. I am already acquianted with 5-6 hours of sleep already, and if i am not in rote to it, i find myself, more often than not, very tired. The odium towards the despised sinusitis doesn't just stop there. The one thing, and the most ominous thing that i fear about this is when it complicates into asthma. Yep! My asthma has returned. I have had asthma since time immemorial, but i haven't had it since 1st year highschool. I had it back after 9 years of asthma-liberated life, and believe me, i have forgotten how it felt like and i think it came back packing a more stronger kick. That is the one thing i fear tonight when i go to sleep; being awakened by a wheezing, cat-like exhalation. An indubitable sign of asthma. I don't want to be going through the same ordeal as i had last December, i hope not. Well, if i do, again, what else could i do but prepare? How can i be prepared enough over something i cannot expect when its occurence will be? Then again, we can never be prepared enough of life, or death. We are students of life, and blatantly, we can never be masters of it. We harness the adversities life endows us with, but we cannot manipulate it or whatsoever to our own benefit. We can use the wind to hasten our journey, but we cannot ever redirect where it should blow. My aimless verbiage, no matter how scathing, always leads me to life. It only goes to show one thing: that i am a punctual and diligent student of life. I learn new things from it, simply from inquiring and living. But inasmuch as my excessive learnings from life, i need to practice control. It is something i am not very good at, but i do hope i will manage. I am a master of my own self. We all are. Tonight, i want to end in something voluminously debated about. Are we really privileged with "Free Will"? Personally, i believe in a will, but not a free one. How that is, i still am not sure, but i'll try to expound on it tomorrow. Meander until i get to something insightful and serendipitous. And i think i should start praying already. To whom? I don't know. Or maybe i should not. The time spent on praying is wasteful. I should just introspect more so i may know something new about myself every night. Man continually grows! We should.
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 I woke up to a sun-less morning the gray and white sky beckons a crack to let a shimmer of light peep momentarily. It started to pour with no caveat, so sudden. Now my scene is curtained by countless strings of rain. I head outside, to see what raucous it has made. Twist the knob of my creaky door- this door where no one but the wind has opened. The ground is smoking When dust meet rain The trees raise their branches. The stone darkened from color, to where it was once pale. But what stuck my eyes the most is a man running. His hair heavy and damped. With every trudge he made a splurge is sure to follow. In haste he ran Against the breeze, against the road, against the rain Hoping he'd save a dry spot. I followed him in sight to where i wished he'd stop. If only i headed outside a little sooner I would have said to him to just walk For no matter how much he sped, it will still be raining up ahead. © deluterio2010
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 First day of February, the supposed love-month of the year. Not that we only get love during this month, the all-hailed, sugar-coated Valentines day is celebrated and reveled during this month. Hence, love month. But the start of this month is not of love, but of disappointment and devastation, if i may exaggerate. But hey! As i always say to those who are in dismay (pardon the rhythmic swag), Sh*t happens! Inasmuch as valentines day is sugar-coated, so is every sh*t in our lives coated with everything bitter and unpalatable. We cannot undo sh*ts, but what we can do is, go beyond it. Transcend! Grow! Learn! Prove! and Live! Life may be sh*tful of cumbersome happenings, but not all the time. Not all the time. It is alright to be grief-stricken, it is after all a normal and primal human emotion. But let it not make you think that the world ceases to revolve around the sun just because you have encountered an anticipated but unwanted detour. Get up! And move on! Use the feelings you are currently imbued with, and use it as an impetus, let it drive you towards the achievement of your life goals, don't let it down you. If anything, those things may draw you back, but once it releases you, like a slingshot, you will be propelled as far as you can imagine. I myself am going through the same ordeal as any of the people who have failed (i don't want to use such term, but i want to be frank about it), i feel their sentiments, but what more could i have done? No matter how much i wanted to help, the only thing, the best thing that i could do is sympathize with them. I may not totally feel what they are feeling, but at least in their schlepping, i may offer myself as a temporary walking aid. REBT dispute of the day: "How could one major exam ever end your life as a student?" Whatever these people are going through right now, i hope they remember that the clock still ticks, and the sun still perfunctoriously follow the same path. And as long the day keeps on turning into night, the night will also keep on turning to day. Hope should be the last thing you must lose, for it is the mana with which everyone must imbibe so as to keep up with the struggles and adversities of life. Quoting Nietzsche: "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger!" After hearing or seeing the much-anticipated, much-prayed for news, and you are still breathing, kicking, and well, feeling devastated, you are still alive! And that in itself is worth the celebration. Revel in the downtimes of life, for they are only the appetizers (notwithstanding the fact that they may taste bitter). The best things in life are not given nor bargained to us, they are achieved solely by us. Bask under these trying times, think of it as something that can benefit you, and you will benefit from them. Life is too beautiful to be wasted on mere failing grades! Let us not start limiting the grandiosity of life by petty numbers, it'll lose its sense. Live through it! Live! On a less downing note, i have decided that form now on i will be trying to control the things that are overflowing as i type my diary. Moderation is always the key, and too much of everything is, obviously, too much. I just can't be jumping from topic to another random topic as i go along and i press the keys of my keyboard. I just love the sound of clacking keyboards, it's music to my ears. And mind you, i can type without looking at the keyboard! Modesty aside. Time to put off the faucet now, and finish this day's peregrinating. I want to end in a hopeful note though. Hmmmmm. Bob Marley's Three Little Birds: "Don't worry about a thing! Coz' every little thing is gonna be alright. Rise up this morning, smile with the rising sun!" Last thing that all of us should lose is hope. Let it be inculcated in us that hope is the mother of all values. When we wake up after our sleeps, it is a sign that we should continue moving. So for tonight, let's try sleeping, and once we wake up, let's start it with a smile. Aja! Our name is hope, and we will be here to stay! =]
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 The day of reckoning has arrived for the most important person in my life, and sadly (that word doesn't even fit the pulsating thuds of my heart) she didn't pass. I cannot feel, or may insufficiently feel what she is feeling right now. If i'm already destroyed here, what would she be going through? After all the hardworks she put, the stressful month of November of reviewing, the gaining of nuisant weight, and the hundreds of pages of institutionalized books read, what would she be feeling right now? I have an idea of what it may be, but i cannot near comprehend the devastation of it. All i have is a view above, and i am not in the crossfire of the array of feelings she may be experiencing right this moment. I like to feel helpless, but honestly i am not in any way feeling impotent. Sh*t happens! All the time. If you are not strong enough to even accept that a priori/a posteriori fact, then you will not be strong enough when you will be bombarded with this shits! As i say, reviewing or not reviewing, everyone has got a 50-50 chance of passing or not passing; visited 10+/- churches, against someone who hasn't even visited one, still the same chances of passing--50-50. Hence, the world is turning with a 50-50 chance of ceasing. Inasmuch as i want to be happy with the 37,527 out of the 94,462 takers, something is just holding me back. Wicked as it may seem, i'd bargain my soul (if it is even worthy of being bargained) for all those passers to fail in exchange for my life to pass. Another jawdropping, not in a good jawdropping way, result would be that only 39.7% had passed. Again, inasmuch as i want their standards be raised considerately inorder to screen the worthy from the un-worthy, i just can't imagine how few had passed. Numerically, 37thousand is no small number, but juxtaposed to the total takers, it just doesn't graze the surface. I don't know if i'm being too empathetic, but i really do comprehend what they are going through right this instance as they find their names skipped by another name. Or slightly i feel what they feel, because it is just too different when you are the one actually searching for your name. The devastation you may feel. I want to tap them all on their backs, tell them that life doesn't actually rotate around a license. REBT disputes: Never think that one exam can encompass the totality of your life. How can one exam (no matter how grand the stage) actually make you a dumb person already? If you are not too lazy,you can actually research on people who didn't have a spontaneously successful youth, and still became successful. Don't be a conformist and adhere to the seemingly rigid and grandiose institutional quagmires. Work your own life away from the blatant dictates of control-freaks. If only i can reverberate my thoughts into each and every one who has failed the board exam, i would tell them that it is not totally their mishaps and incompetencies and lack of knowledge and skills, that resulted to their failing, but other variables which they do not consciously consider. AND! If i may opine, it is not god's will whatsoever. Those irating nonsense that keeps on replaying over and over again as an external mechanism for ego-defense is grounded on spongy bones. It may not also be your will, and i assure you that it is nobody's will. You fail because of your own limitations and current capabilities. But hey! Do not slouch and depreciate yourselves! For we are an evolving species and we continue to grow and learn. As Frazier in Walder Two, a book written by B.F. Skinner once said: "We are the causes of ourselves!" We cause ourselves to be, and by that assertion, we make our own lives by the choices we make, the responsibilities we take, the impedimentas we leave behind, and by the life we live. Remember! We are the causes of ourselves. Frazier has thrown the gauntlet, and let us follow through! Let us cause ourselves. We may be influence by the copious array of external factors, it is still insubstantial as to our influence on ourselves. Let us cause ourselves! We may be catalyzed and proselytized by extraneous factors, this is nothing compared to how we catalyze and proselytize ourselves. So, to truncate the pedestrian withdrawing of nonsense from my mind, i would like to advice the failers, "the race is not to those who run fast, but to those who continue to run!" Run! Stack up on breathes, gather your stamina, you will eventually get there! As to the color of my painting, the flavor to my water, the life of my life, the love of my life, i will always be here for you! Always has, always will. I know you are capable, this is just not your time to shine yet. Always remember that everything, shit or otherwise, happens for a reason. Let us together, and i will assure you that i will continually be by your side, find that reason. As for the two of us, our reason has long been known, and it is to live each other's lives in each other's company. You are my reason! And we'll live through this like we always do! Aja! =]
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