11:08:00 PM |
5)Flu-struck, Grief-stricken, Down but still running |

First day of February, the supposed love-month of the year. Not that we only get love during this month, the all-hailed, sugar-coated Valentines day is celebrated and reveled during this month. Hence, love month. But the start of this month is not of love, but of disappointment and devastation, if i may exaggerate. But hey! As i always say to those who are in dismay (pardon the rhythmic swag), Sh*t happens! Inasmuch as valentines day is sugar-coated, so is every sh*t in our lives coated with everything bitter and unpalatable. We cannot undo sh*ts, but what we can do is, go beyond it. Transcend! Grow! Learn! Prove! and Live! Life may be sh*tful of cumbersome happenings, but not all the time. Not all the time. It is
alright to be grief-stricken, it is after all a normal and primal human emotion. But let it not make you think that the world ceases to revolve around the sun just because you have encountered an anticipated but unwanted detour. Get up! And move on! Use the feelings you are currently imbued with, and use it as an impetus, let it drive you towards the achievement of your life goals, don't let it down you. If anything, those things may draw you back, but once it releases you, like a slingshot, you will be propelled as far as you can imagine.
I myself am going through the same ordeal as any of the people who have failed (i don't want to use such term, but i want to be frank about it), i feel their sentiments, but what more could i have done? No matter how much i wanted to help, the only thing, the best thing that i could do is sympathize with them. I may not totally feel what they are feeling, but at least in their schlepping, i may offer myself as a temporary walking aid. REBT dispute of the day: "How could one major exam ever end your life as a student?" Whatever these people are going through right now, i hope they remember that the clock still ticks, and the sun still perfunctoriously follow the same path. And as long the day keeps on turning into night, the night will also keep on turning to day. Hope should be the last thing you must lose, for it is the mana with which everyone must imbibe so as to keep up with the struggles and adversities of life. Quoting Nietzsche: "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger!" After hearing or seeing the much-anticipated, much-prayed for news, and you are still breathing, kicking, and well, feeling devastated, you are still alive! And that in itself is worth the celebration. Revel in the downtimes of life, for they are only the appetizers (notwithstanding the fact that they may taste bitter). The best things in life are not given nor bargained to us, they are achieved solely by us. Bask under these trying times, think of it as something that can benefit you, and you will benefit from them. Life is too beautiful to be wasted on mere failing grades! Let us not start limiting the grandiosity of life by petty numbers, it'll lose its sense. Live through it! Live!
On a less downing note, i have decided that form now on i will be trying to control the things that are overflowing as i type my diary. Moderation is always the key, and too much of everything is, obviously, too much. I just can't be jumping from topic to another random topic as i go along and i press the keys of my keyboard. I just love the sound of clacking keyboards, it's music to my ears. And mind you, i can type without looking at the keyboard! Modesty aside. Time to put off the faucet now, and finish this day's peregrinating. I want to end in a hopeful note though. Hmmmmm. Bob Marley's Three Little Birds: "Don't worry about a thing! Coz' every little thing is gonna be alright. Rise up this morning, smile with the rising sun!" Last thing that all of us should lose is hope. Let it be inculcated in us that hope is the mother of all values. When we wake up after our sleeps, it is a sign that we should continue moving. So for tonight, let's try sleeping, and once we wake up, let's start it with a smile. Aja! Our name is hope, and we will be here to stay! =]
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