12:42:00 AM |
Farfetched behind a Semi-transparent Man-made Mis |

All in a day's work! As the conventional cliche goes. A day burdened by aimless walks and child-like meanderings. Amidst the fatigued legs, and a realization of a childhood that never was, this day was ultimately productive. Almost checked everything in the check-list of unorganized to-do's and to-buy's. Who then can blame the aimlessness of this day? If not for the unorganization of tasks written on a crude, almost crumpled to nonextantness paper. Then again, destination is a sure end, but the journey is hidden with a plethora of surprises.
Do you know that i hate surprises? Notwithstanding the fact that it induces elating hormones to be secreted and distributed all around the nooks and crannies of my fatigued body, i just couldn't seem to grasp of the feeling i should feel. In plain and simple terms, i do not know how to react when being surprised. That is the primordial reason why i hate them. But over all, it makes one feel good. I'm no exemption! Life, as been said a thousand times, is full of surprises. The only thing we can expect is that we cannot expect anything. Life's non-sequential nature is prominent. We don't merely go to point C from a perspective of point A. We sometimes get lost and manage to reach the point of our goals from another point. In life, we always get lost. Be it literally or figuratively, we remain strangers to the jumbled streets of life. No map has ever been created for life, no one just can. And this may sound absurd, but, we should at least lose our way to discover new and amazing sceneries where we could not have seen if we continue to trudge to the laiden path for us. We sometimes should go against the grain of conventionality to realize what we are meant for in life. Sometimes getting lost can lead to us finding our true selves.
Before the subconscious, "where i was following you and you were following me" walks, i took a glance of a chance to read a snippet of Ayn Rand's: Philosophy: Who Needs it? book, and read somewhere there that how sure are we really of reality. Is the reality we perceived to be as one, really real or is it just a product of us making our own reality, hence an illusion fabricated by the mind? For a simple line, it really struck me. Really, what if everything we see around us, everything we feel, smell, hear, taste, and everything sensible around us is just something we thought would be as we think they should be? If that would be the case, then we are all alone in this world, no one else exists. We live in our little dimensional bubble where whoever, whatever else is in is just an illusion tangibly constructed by the mind to prove to itself that it can provide for itself amidst the solitude. But in a simple snap of a finger, all we think is unreal we somehow know to be real. Because if they aren't then how sure can we be that we are real? For one, humans are selfish beings, and we would likely and innately think that we are the only one capable of unlocking the secrets to life, what more for us to think that we are all alone and we are the only one who exists?
By the way, this has been my first diary entry. I had an involuntary 4-days hiatus. Reasons i do not intend to disclose, but it includes the down-days where imagination is half-dead. And another farfetching announcement: my 2 months hiatus on poem writing has just ended on the 20th, and it has been 2 days after since i wrote my first poem in months. Poesy is my escape, literally. In a world of social dictatorship and misleading politics, this is the only alternative of which i know, or think i know i am capable of. We are victims of conformity. Since we were tiny siblings, incapable of practicing freewill, we were already taught to comport to society. To adhere to its nonchalantly legistlated laws and agreements, many of which we, the supposed target of such laws know nothing about. A sad awakening! The government in which we are the foundations, are eating away the pillars with tempting greed and palatable offers of greed. Politics has lost its essence.
In my other blog, i wrote my abovementioned and above-introduced poem. I hope you enjoy! And i was tackling about the duality of a man. We cannot deny that we are different people in different contexts! Nobody is consistent. Just consistently inconsistent. People! We are dynamic. That's permanent!=]
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