11:56:00 PM |
V-day is a Non-sense(?) |

This day is beginning to look like below ordinary. If boredom could kill i would be the first casualty. And i think many will compete for the first person ever killed by boredom. The recurring rain-swelter-rain is making my head spin in confusion and headache. And i just don't understand the weather nowadays. Well, in the first place "weather" is described as a quick-changing phenomena. As is reported over and over again in news on television, the Philippines is being tormented by the despised El NiƱo. The phenomena where the never-ending scorch of the sun continually devastates the hopes of many of producing a lucrative supply of agriculture. Talk about helplessness. We humans think so highly of ourselves, but when nature starts to destroy what we humans are dependent to, we cannot do anything about it. What have we humans got compared to what nature already have? But then again, even though we do not have control over nature and its destructive, sometimes constructive path, we should go back in controlling what we can control: our lives!
30 minutes to go before the day of reckoning for lovers and for those who are feeling love. I'm pretty sure many are excited! I for one am. But what am i excited for? When one is excited over something, it means that he/she is looking forward to something. What are we anticipating this Valentine's day? To receive love? Why would one even expect to receive love when one could not even give it out? You see, the greatest gift we can ever give to every person in this world is love. Though we cannot love every bit of breathing, walking, sentient being on this tectonic plate-cursed earth, we can at least love those who we think is worthy of our love. Then again, everyone is worthy of love. Strangers, close friends, family, enemy, so on and so forth. They are all worthy to be loved by us. Consequently, we are also worthy ourselves of love by others. There is no human being walking on the 30% land is ever unworthy of love. It is the single best gift we can gift to the people around us. Indubitably, it can change lives. Sad enough though, we don't get love too often and as deserved.
The world will be celebrating the all-hailed Valentine's day in about 24 minutes and counting down. But what is really the essence of valentine's day? Is it the showing of love? The pride one "must" have in having someone special in one's life? Or is it the reveling over having someone to share your life with? What is the essence of valentine's day, really? What is?Valentine's day is a microcosm of life. It is a celebration for love, not just one type of love, but all of the types. But nowadays, the connotation tagged to this day has been slowly narrowing. Those who doesn't have anyone (i think it is bogus to think that we don't have anyone, we just have to open our eyes!), complain and grieves because of the lack of company. Valentine's day is becoming the day for lovers. Then again, nothing is wrong with that. We are all lovers: our family is our lover, our friends are our lovers, ourselves are our lovers. We have a plethora of loved ones, we just deny and deceive ourselves
that we don't.
Valentine's day is slowly losing its sense. It has become very materialistic, and yeah! It has become too narrow. Love is an unlimited emotion. Valentine's day has limited it. We have all the people that love us, and we turn a blind eye to them because as society dictates, they are not the people we should be celebrating valentine's day with. Who are we deceiving? Who do you expect should we celebrate our valentines with? Our special someone? We have limited relationships into mere boy-girl intimacy. Which is by the way not only insulting, but also verging on desperation. No one can blame anybody. We are biological creatures, and procreation is innate in us. But really! We have a myriad of relationships all around us, all we have to do is embrace them as relationships, and delimit them. We have our family, our friends, ourselves! We love them, don't we? Then if we do, then they are not exempted in our celebration. Let's celebrate it with them and go against conventionality. In the first place, convention is dynamic. We should be the catalysts for its change. And its change will be worthwhile, as the current position it is in is absurd.
Valentine's day may be losing its sense and is slowly narrowing, love on the other hand is still love as love was. It hasn't change a bit, if anything it has even grown. Love should not be celebrated and acoladed once a year! It is too broad and too wonderful for just a day. Even 365 days are insufficient. Imagine a world where each and everyone of us, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 31 days a month, 365 days a year, shows love, celebrate love, display our love to the people around us, what a joyous life it would be. Then again, it is ideal! I'm more clinging into what is real and attainable. But you see i am not limiting reality into something tangible, something empirical, or something scientifically grounded. Reality for me is anything, everything the mind can embrace. What i am ranting about is no exemption. Valentines day=nonsensical! Love=continuously wonderful.
If you may ask why i am criticizing and elaborating the nonsensicality of the modern time valentine's day? This is all thanks to s3 for giving a chance to introspect, think, and organize my thoughts. Think! Is love really that puny just being celebrated for one day? Valentine's day has limited it something which when placed in a box, destroys the box without even trying. Love is so much more than what is thought about, no thanks to V-day!
Love should be! And it is a should, celebrated every day of our insignificant lives. Everyday should be love day! =]
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